How to Calculate Profit Margin in Pharma Franchise Business?

No matter what business run if you possess the right marketing skills you will definitely get good profit. Same is the case with pharma franchise business. If you are the newbie in pharm business then it is essential for you to know how to calculate profit margin in Pharma Franchise business. Though your selling aptitude determines the profit for your business but getting facts right is another essential thing. Pharma Franchise is becoming a lucrative business and has a good scope for the business growth.

By determining the profit margin you can run longer and better in the pharma franchise business. This will help you in getting an idea about your further investment and areas that might need improvement. In this post by Pax Healthcare, you will get the best answers for How to calculate the profit margin for pharma franchise. 

How to Calculate Profit Margin in Pharma Franchise Business?

Factors affecting Calculation of net profit and retail price

There are various factors that affect the overall net profit. These are important to take into the consideration to determine the right idea of calculating profit margin. Some of the factors are mentioned below:

  • To determine the basic net price to calculate, the factors that are important is market conditions and production rates of the opponent companies as well.  
  • After that, the cost of raw material also affects the overall profit margin.
  • The cost of manufacturing also comes under these factors.  

Effective way to calculate the pharma franchise profit margin

There is a very simple way to determine the profit margin for PCD Pharma franchise business. Though most of the times the price or then the profit margin depends on the market conditions and the competition but the basic concept of calculating it remains the same. To determine the profit firstly you need to calculate the net price of the products and then further distribution margin. So let’s get started:
  • Net Price calculation
Total cost = Manufacturing cost + taxes + packaging cost + Promotional cost + transportation cost + other expenses (if any)

So the Net price will be determined by:

Net Price = Total Cost X percentage of Margin.  

Here the percentage of margin varies from company to company. It depends on the factors like the number of employees in the company and other expenses that manufacturing required. 

In this way, the companies determine its price in which they further sell their products to the customers. Later the franchisees determine their margin on selling the products further which include other expenses such as transportation and other things.

  • Profit Margin
It is known by many names like Net Margin/ Net Profit Ratio/ Net Profit Margin! It is calculated to measure profit which you can expect. Again, the method may differ from company to company according to their terms and policies.

Profit Margin = Net Profit / Revenue Or Selling Price

Where, Net Profit = Revenue – Cost


The price that you will offer to the clients after applying all the expenses. The MRP for the clients will have some percentage for the retailer. The final prices that will be offered to the wholesaler will be the certain percentage for an instance say the 70% of the total retail prices. Then the rest what is left after subtraction of the retailer price and the trade price will be franchisee margin. 
This how the pharma franchise business calculates their profit margin. We hope this post by Pax Healthcare, helped you well in understanding the entire concept.


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